Monday, February 2, 2015

Everything I learned about life I could have Learned from CL4p-Tp

Go with the flow, keep on keepin' on, God give me the grace to change what I can and accept what I can not not.  And my personal favorite "Float like a feather, Free fall forever, Let whatever be whatever, Together, we all be come heavenly"

I spent to long trying to control it all but I never could I did it out of your basic Dark Side Emotional cocktail of, Fear Anger, Pride, and love of a drug named Opium.  It took 80 years and a hole lotta chutzpah to get to the point where I realized control is an illusion that you will never have.  Some times the illusion will make it seem that things are going your way but then the flow switches and you are swimming against the tide.  And what is the point?

I just got out of the water, and decided to walk on land.  Control is a lie and worst of all it makes itself seem like an obtainable lie.  You will never have it over others, not once you only can control yourself.  

80 years that revelation took, and after 15 min of Borderlands the PreSequel I was rewarded for this view.  Clap Trap has a random set of powers it is a total crap shoot most of the time that you activate his power VaultHunter.exe.  and you know what it is wild fun and quite relaxing to know that something will happen, What is not certain but something will happen.  Now the one like kids get pissed when I jack their characters with random awesomeness, and their homophobia/racism/anti-antisemitism  can stir the beast a bit but then I remember they are just terrified of losing the control they think they have.  Just like House Quin, and who ever holds praxis and the rest of the peanut gallery.

Disruptive forces unsettle those who currently swim with the rocks their boat, to mix metaphors.  Forces are change and disruptive interrupts so a 13 year old and 300 year old a like do not  like interrupt-ive change.  

Then I realized maybe I am Clap Trap...perhaps I am an Interrupt-ive Change in others requiem.  Maybe it is time to switch to Offline mode and journey Inland.  Take care all and be...Excellent to each other.

Monday, May 12, 2014

CMS and the DIY plauge.

Wonderful craftsman ship on the chair.  Not something that you see at that often now. There are fewer and fewer craftsmen any more, they are instead being replaced by hobbyist who want a cool skill to talk of when about others of similar ilk and merit.  They use it to distinguish themselves from other identical people.  However enough people do such "Weekend Tradesmen" hobbies that individuality is about as meaningful as car color setting you apart.  They have turned themselves into CMS'.  Here is where work goes, here is where sex fetish goes, here is where favorite food goes, here is where hobby goes, and there is where you latest news passion goes, when you add a new one to the slide show the oldest one is bumped off.

A long time ago how a dove tail was assembled told you who made it.  The fact that they used a dove tail joint told you who made it.  As did what fastening they used; glue, peg, nail, or bracket, told you even more.  Now DIY classes tell you exactly what to use and when to use it.  Creating a hegemony of style not confined to shops.  The Master taught you the way to do it, then each student would make the same joint only slightly different depending on skill, dominate hand, and personal preference.

Now people want to be told the answer rather then find their own.  Standardized testing is baneful to originality.  It teaches boxes of ticky tacky for houses, 2.3 kids, and Applebee's.  This disease of Hegemony started long ago only it is now more rampant and insidious then it was in the past.  Just because you have a choice of color does not make it your own.  Children spend years trying to catch the hegemony pathogen, then as adults they think they shake it by selecting custom bits of themselves out of the same bin. 

At it's core Hegemony is universally expressed as a feeling of wanting to belong.  Those who belong to the majority see it as their duty, in their disease addled minds, to point out why another is wrong and in what way they are wrong.  For children this manifests as "Cause you are a stupid head"  and adults do the same with "facts".  News stories are the shield and science sound bites the munitions.  They use this to prove your opinion is wrong in front of other infected, who nod and agree with the most riddled body. 

The "Ah yes..." regardless of what else follows this, will be a back handed comment about how you do not see the big picture.  This is the opening salvo.  And whether defeated or not they all end the same, the "Typhoid Mary" says something to the effect of conceding that you can have your own opinion and are welcome to it.  This makes them look more rational and whether you "come around" or not you are seen as having slightly less valid an opinion. 

This has infected all of society where the healthy are the minority, and the majority claim it is all for the greater good.  Just because you can chose your own template does not mean you are an individual, especially if all your divs where named by someone else.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Final Thoughts

"... I'm feeling very still And I think my spaceship knows which way to go Tell my wife I love her very much..."

Friday, December 27, 2013

This is a formal Request and plea.


People please the Prince of Luna is not plotting to hurl chuck of the moon at earth he is a sleep for like half the month.  I fucking told you this would happen.  from the waning 1/4 moon to the waxing  Half moon they ain't taking no calls up their.  NOW STOP PREPING STIRKE TEAMS AND BALISTIC MISSLES.

Monday, August 12, 2013


You Know WHAT Screw Y'ALL and the John Wayne horse ya rode in on!



Squeak the Destroyer! Yeah take that Uncontrollable urge to kill.

 Those Little Teefs Are Sharp Take that need to control the City that whispers in our ears.

What You Lookin' At?What you got need to eat the world

 Happy Dog BOOM, the condition that turns most of us into humorless dicks.  God damn to be that happy from just being in the grass. WHO DOESN'T WANT THAT?

 Puppy SmileI mean seariously what do the halls of power have on an Ewok grabbing your thumb.

So in all honesty take a step back and smell the damn roses and lets all just get the fuck along you motherless Bastards!

Interspecies Love: I'll Watch Over You

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

What you gonna Do when the Interwebs happen to you?

  photo robot-unicorn-attack.gif
Dude so RAU2 is AMAZING.  Love the music, love the whole 80's vibe.  Hands up like a boss if you love the 80's.  Speaking of, just totes made a new Pandora station, I know I know get with the times and on Spotify.  But Pandora makes me feel all zen and shit, like a bonzai tree Samurai across the 8th deminsion.

Any whos I can't wait for The Wolverine totes seeing it next month maybe make it a movie night and see RED2 OMG, Bruce Willis acting his age and kicking ass.  Y U NO TAKE HINT CAGE

Oh well back to the salt mines.

Also why is it so hard for our kind to let go of control and accept that not everything has a pattern or a reason.